How does it work?
For weather hardness, a GH value of 12 is optimal. This value indicates how many minerals, including calcium and magnesium, are dissolved in the water. These minerals are necessary for CO² transport, the binding of harmful substances to prevent acidification of the pond water and are essential for the growth of all aquatic plants.
The use of Moerings GH Plus increases the water hardness. If there is a strong deviation from the ideal value, most of the natural processes in your pond cannot take place. The plants extract minerals and rainfall reduces the GH value. It is therefore important to use Moerings GH Plus regularly. Moerings GH Plus is a pure and natural top product that also provides crystal-clear water.
Instructions – dosage
25 ml (1 measuring cup) increases 900 litres of pond water by 1 GH. This is an indicative value. In case of high PH and or KH values or strong contamination of the water, the increase may be less. It is important to measure this properly.
1 litre provides an increase of 4 GH for 8,000 litres of water
2.5 litres provides an increase of 4 GH for 20,000 litres of water
5 litres provides an increase of 4 GH for 40,000 litres of water
10 litres provides an increase of 4 GH for 80,000 litres of water
Is it safe?
Moerings GH Plus is completely biodegradable and safe for humans and animals.
Note: If both GH and KH values should be corrected, it is recommended to wait about 1 week between adding these two products.